Encouraging People on their Journey to Discover Extraordinary Life in Christ.


We are all on the path of discovery. Jesus is forever calling us to new life, extraordinary life. We commit to taking this journey together!


Over Fifty Years of Making Disciples

  1. Spring of 1971 - Thirteen families (98 Charter Members) met to organize the first worship service on June 20th at Monk Chapel at the Methodist Home for Children.
  2. In 1972, land was purchased on Honeycutt Road and Rev. Sid Huggins was appointed as the first pastor.
  3. The church began in what is now the Youth Building, with the new Sanctuary (now the Fellowship Hall) being built in 1983.
  4. Rapid growth led to the design of our large, current Sanctuary which was consecrated in 2006.



We glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by offering a safe and caring environment for anyone who is searching to be spiritually fulfilled and accepted.


Grace: God’s unearned love is always at work in our lives, going before us, redeeming us, and continually shaping us in Christ’s likeness. We seek to embrace grace and impart it to one another.

Compassion: As God suffers with us, we, too, are called to deeply engage and even suffer with one another and our broken world.

Generosity: All of life is a gracious outpouring from our God who invites us to live reflectively of this divine love, pouring ourselves generously into each other and our world.

Authenticity: Aligning our words and actions with God’s perfect love;

Inclusivity: We welcome all who seek to know Christ and provide a place to belong, serve, grow, and encounter our living God.

Courage: With openness and boldness of faith, we embody Jesus’ prayer as he contemplated the cross, “Not my will, but yours [God’s] be done.”

Covenant of Membership

How do we live together as a people of faith?

As a member of NRUMC, I will:

  • Be welcoming and accepting of others
  • Invite others to join our faith community
  • Grow, support, and participate in NRUMC missions and ministries, serving Christ and others
  • Actively support the spiritual development of our children and youth
  • Participate in a small group where I can engage and share my faith
  • Use my spiritual and financial gifts and things I do best to support NRUMC

As your church family, NRUMC will:

  • Open our circles and be welcoming to those seeking engagement
  • Strive to meet the needs of our members - pray for them, care for them, love them
  • Provide faith-building opportunities and support across all seasons of life
  • Purposely grow our youth, family, and inter-generational ministries and missions
  • Provide fellowship opportunities through a rich variety of small groups
  • Be good stewards of our financial gifts as we build an engaging faith community inside and outside of our walls



Rev. Dr. Duke Lackey

Senior Pastor

Rev. Jen Swindell

Pastor of Evangelism and Communications

Andy Eaton

Director of Music Ministries

Gretchen Shea

Director of Family Discipleship & Engagement

Jen Haselden

Director of Youth Ministry

Carly Spears

Program Administrator for Engagement

Hye Jin Park

Associate Director of Music-Traditional Worship

Terri Schaffer

Director of NRUM Preschool

Russ Davison

Business Administrator

Kevin Michael Thompson

Associate Director of Music-Contemporary Worship