Care & Connections at NRUMC

Welcome Ministries

New Member Fellowship Friends
Parking Attendants
Welcome Cart Greeters
New Member Fellowship Friends

Throughout the Year as Needs Arise

New Member Fellowship Friends

Help new members to plug in and connect with the congregation as they begin their journey at NRUMC.

Parking Attendants
Welcome Cart Greeters

Congregational Care

Aging in Grace
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Hospital and Homebound Visitation Team
A Servant's Hand Meal Ministry
Martha's Ministry (Funerals)
College Connections
Care Writers
Aging in Grace

Aging in Grace


Aging in Grace's goal is to help senior adults living alone to remain in their homes as long as possible while feeling safe, secure, and comfortable. We work with each person to assess individual needs and develop a plan to address critical projects in their home. 

Projects can include but are not limited to updating computers, installing doorbell cameras, upgrading exterior lighting, adding handrails or grab bars, and many more. Projects are funded by the Aging in Grace team. We do not want a lack of funds to keep the people we serve from feeling safe and secure in their homes.


As we move forward with this program, we hope to grow a team that can assist in evaluating homes with us and in specific areas, such as:

  1. Information Technology (IT) - computers and other technology assistance such as online banking, bill-paying, using websites, getting internet access, etc.
  2. Home Care - home maintenance and design recommendations.
  3. Exterior Home Care - reducing need for yard maintenance, fixing stairs and handrails, removing trip hazards, etc.

Contacts for this ministry are Bart and Carolyn Abbott - For more information, email

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Hospital and Homebound Visitation Team
A Servant's Hand Meal Ministry
Martha's Ministry (Funerals)
College Connections
Care Writers


Serving Communion
Reading Scripture
Christmas and Easter Support
Serving Communion

Serve Communion


Help serve communion in worship - 

Contact: Carly Spears in the Office to Sign Up

Reading Scripture
Christmas and Easter Support