Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. –2 Corinthians 9:7

Tithing and giving of finances to a church is a most personal decision and one that should be taken seriously. And there are many reasons that people give to their place of worship. As stewards of your money, we strive to use it wisely, to further God’s kingdom here on earth through constant consideration of where each dollar should go. Obviously mission and outreach are close to our hearts, but making sure we have a place of worship that remains in good condition must also be a priority. 

Why Give to NRUMC?

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. –2 Corinthians 9:7

From providing vital support to those in need within our own congregation to reaching out to make a difference around the world, your commitment to giving has touched countless hearts and transformed countless lives. It's heartening to see the tangible results of your faith in action, and it serves as a reminder of the power of collective generosity.


Let us reflect on God’s call to Be A Blessing and how we can further enhance our ministry in the coming years. The challenges and opportunities that lie ahead are vast, yet they are each ways for us to continue spreading love, compassion, and hope. Your involvement in our congregation's work with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness is integral to our mission of making a positive difference in the world. Let us prayerfully consider how we can take that next step together as we embark on another year of service and ministry.


In the spirit of gratitude and anticipation, we invite you to share your own stories of generosity and the impact it has had on your life. Your personal testimonies can inspire others to join in this mission of love and service. As we continue to write the story of North Raleigh United Methodist Church, let us remember that our story is written through the lives we touch, the hearts we uplift, and the love of Christ we share that truly define us as a congregation. Thank you for your unwavering support, and may our collective generosity continue to shine as a beacon of hope in our community and beyond.

Giving By The Numbers

Where does a dollar go when it's given to NRUMC?


Here is how our giving breaks down with our budgets.

Other ways to give

We appreciate however and whatever you decide to give to NRUMC. Please know that we will do our best to use it in a responsible manner pleasing to God. Below are a few ways that you can give:

  • Place a check in the offering plate on Sunday. Personal offering envelopes are available and blank envelopes are in the pew racks.
  • Use your credit or debit card. Give Online one-time use or recurring-use (Visa and MasterCard only).
  • Text-to-Give—Using your messaging app on your mobile device, GIVE to 984-464-4777. 
  • Mail or drop off a check to the Church Office. Mailing address is 8501 Honeycutt Road, Raleigh, NC 27615.
  • Recurring drafts from your bank account. Complete this setup online via Planning Center.
  • Bill-Pay application on your bank’s website. These banking applications allow for one-time or recurring payments to be drafted from your bank account and forwarded to NRUMC.
  • Gifts of listed stock or mutual fund shares. Email our Business Administrator, Russ Davison at for more information.
  • Required Minimum Distribution/Qualified Charitable Distribution. People required to take a required distribution from tax-deferred accounts can have those distributions made directly to NRUMC.
  • Cash contribution from Charitable Foundation or Trust. Notify Russ Davison upon first transfer.

For more information on any of these giving options, email Russ Davison or call him at 919-847-1536 x115.

Commitment Cards

As we tell our own stories, we are guided by the stories of those who came before us in the faith. Ultimately, generosity is about being a blessing to others in Raleigh and around the world. There is joy in aligning our lives to live generously!

Endowment Program

Our Endowment Program was established for the purpose of providing members and friends opportunities to support the programs and activities of North Raleigh United Methodist Church in perpetuity, in effect a living memorial. The Endowment Program is intended to supplement and not replace the church’s established programs which are funded through the annual operating budget of the church.


All gifts to the Endowment shall be assigned to one of the following categories:

Mission Endowment Funds: supplement the designated NRUMC Mission Funds

Property Endowment Funds: supplement the NRUMC Building Fund

General Endowment Funds: supplement the NRUMC General Fund

Why consider giving to the endowment?
How do I direct my gifts to the endowment?
How will distributions be used by the church?
Who takes care of the endowment?
Where are the Endowment funds invested?