Adult Disicpleship at NRUMC


Classes: NRUMC offers classes taught by the pastors at least once per semester along with other great offerings throughout the year.  Want to help teach or have an idea for a future class? Contact Gretchen Shea - 


Small Groups: NRUMC has a variety of small groups that meet at church or in homes throughout the week. Interested in starting your own small group or helping pick one? Contact Gretchen Shea - 



Podcast: NRUMC hosts a weekly podcast that digs deeper into the sermon or big theological matters! Check it out at or search North Raleigh UMC on Apple or Spotify


Self-study & Devotional Resources: We utilize Amplify Media for a great selection of United Methodist theological resources for all ages.  Need a login? Email and we will set you up for free! 


Men's Ministry: NRUMC Men meet for Breakfast on the second Saturday of the month. Learn more about Men's Ministry.


Women's Ministry and Circles: Women of NRUMC have several yearly events (Salad Supper in September, Bake Sale, Day of Service, and more) as well as many circles that meet once per month and several weekly Bible Studies.  Click here to Learn more about Women's Ministry.  

Sunday School: There are so many ways to learn at NRUMC, and Sunday School is unique in that it offers an opportunity to be in community with those who gather each week for worship in a smaller setting. North Raleigh offers Sunday School for all ages 4 years old and up. If you have questions about any of our Sunday School offerings below, email All are welcome!


If you aren't sure where to find a class, view the Campus Map or ask a Welcome Cart Greeter or Usher on Sunday mornings in the Atrium or Lobby. They will be happy to help you find your way!

Adult Sunday School

We offer Sunday School classes for Adults during our 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning worship hours. Please feel free to visit any or all of our classes. Adults of all ages are welcome to attend any class. Each of our classes participates in local, regional, and international missions. 

Good News Ambassadors (8:30)
Fellowship Class
New Friendship
The Quad
The Well
Reflections (11am)
Good News Ambassadors (8:30)

9:50 a.m. | Room Y1 (Youth Center)

Connections Sunday School


The Connections class focuses on connecting with each other, the scriptures, our church and our communities as we try to live our lives to honor Christ.

We connect each week with conversations around the weekly liturgical passages in "Disciplines."

We welcome everyone, all stages of their lives and all levels of faith. We share our lived experiences, to try to support each other as we seek answers to our questions and travel on our faith journeys together.


Contact: Veda and Richard Bynum

Fellowship Class
New Friendship
The Quad
The Well
Reflections (11am)

Support Groups at NRUMC

Grief Support

Grief Support Group

Contact: Tony

Parents' Grief Group

For those who have lost a child

Contact: Tony

Cancer Support Group

Contact: Janet Striegel


Grief Support Group

Contact: Tony

Parents' Grief Group

For those who have lost a child

Contact: Tony

Cancer Support Group

Contact: Janet Striegel

Want to know more about our Adult Discipleship Options?

For more information or help in picking which group is best for you, fill in this form to contact Gretchen Shea and Carly Spears for help.