On this page you'll find important information especially for the leaders and members of NRUMC.  Questions? Contact the Church Office at 919-847-1536! 


Facebook Page

Follow us on Social Media to get updates, photos, and reminders!

Facebook Group

This is the place for you to connect and post to others at NRUMC

Weekly Email

Get all the weekly news for NRUMC delivered to you by email!

Upload Photos

Share your photos or videos with the Church Communications Staff

My NRUMC Login

Manage your signups and giving all in one place!

Member Directory

Login to view members and contact info for NRUMC. Need access? Contact the church office at info@nrumc.org

Leadership List

View the current leadership and committees for NRUMC

Planning an Event?

Here's some Helpful Resources: 

Facility Policy - nrumc.org/facilityuse - this explains the process of planning an event 

Event Request Form - nrumc.org/eventrequest - this is the starting point for all NRUMC events

Communications Policy - nurmc.org/commspolicy - this explains the ways we communicate as well as how and why

Communications Request Form - nrumc.org/commsrequest - this is the form that gets us the starting info for communications.