Our congregation's Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry.  The identity of those receiving care and everything they discuss with a Stephen Minister remain private.  If you are in need of a Stephen Minister or would like more information, email


A Stephen Minister Is...

  • A child of God who walks beside someone who is hurting
  • A congregation member who is carefully selected to serve in this role because of his or her caregiving fits
  • A layperson with 50 hours of training in providing high-quality, distinctively Christian care
  • A caring Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports, and encourages.
  • Someone who meets faithfully each week with his or her care receiver for as long as there's a need.


Learn all about Stephen Ministry at the International Stephen Ministry Site by clicking here.


When could Stephen Ministry help someone?


When you need help moving through unexpected grief.


When you want to ensure one tragedy doesn't become more.


When you're pulled in many directions as a caregiver and need to be poured into.

Interested in becoming a Stephen Minister?

Stephen Ministers' Commitment

This is a 24-month commitment that includes the initial 50 hours of training, then the regular visits with care receiver(s) (either weekly or at a mutually-agreed-upon frequency) and twice-monthly Small Group Peer Supervision and Continuing Education sessions.


Stephen Ministers are Commissioned Servants

  1. Willingness to give oneself in servanthood is vital.
  2. The level of one's education is not important, but the level of one's commitment as a Christian and one's desire to care for others is important.
  3. Stephen Ministers are commissioned at the end of the 50-hour training program.
  4. Confidentiality is an absolute must.


Thank you for your prayers and support! For more information about becoming a Stephen Minister, email 

January Training Class

“I’m Committed to Care!” Here’s what one Stephen Minister has to say about Stephen Ministry:

“I was kind of sitting on the sidelines in our congregation. Oh, I came to church every Sunday, but the rest of the week I was focused on myself. Then Stephen Ministry came along. When I said yes to God’s call to me for that ministry, I saw a lot of changes in my life. Now I’m committed to caring more about others than I do about myself. And you know what? I’m walking a lot closer with my Lord.”


A training class for Stephen Ministers is starting in late January. Please consider this ministry opportunity. Applications are due by January 15th. For more information, contact our Stephen Leaders, Mary Scott Honbarrier, 919-810-8445 or Scott Striegel, 919-302-4320 or email 


Who We Serve

We all experience challenges in life-times when we could benefit from care and support.  Stephen Ministers can provide the emotional and spiritual care we need when faced with a crisis or difficulty such as-


  • People who are hospitalized
  • Individuals who are terminally ill and their families
  • Those having an unwanted pregnancy and their families
  • Individuals and families of those who are in trouble with the law
  • Parents who have children leaving home
  • People who are lonely
  • New members of the congregation and/or community
  • Families who have someone in a nursing home
  • Parents and families with handicapped children
  • Persons in sudden crisis
  • People convalescing at home or in an institution

  • People who are bereaved
  • Those who are shut-in or in a nursing home
  • Couples experiencing the birth of a child
  • People who have suffered a significant financial setback, or who have lost their job
  • Single parents
  • People in the process of moving
  • People recently retired or who have been forced to retire
  • Those who are struggling with their faith in God
  • Those affected by natural disastersAnd many more.

The PBS "Religion and Ethics" news show aired an eight-minute feature on Stephen Ministry that describes the life-changing outreach happening in thousands of congregations like ours.

In Need of Care?

Could you benefit from the confidential, one-to-one care and support of a Stephen Minister? Do you know someone else- perhaps a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative- who could benefit from Stephen Ministry? Fill out the confidential form below, contact a pastor or the church office to learn more.

Testimonies of Care Receivers

For me, my Stephen Minister listened to me: she listened to my words, but she also listened to what I didn’t say, and she listened when I couldn’t speak. In doing all this listening, she loved me when I felt unlovable. She made me feel of value when I felt worthless.  But most amazingly, she did all this without making me feel like I was a burden. My Stephen Minister made a huge difference in my journey.

I requested a SM when I became the primary care giver for a family member many years ago.  As my family member’s health declined and her needs increased, so did my caregiving demands.  I experienced frustration, exhaustion, grief, and especially guilt for having these emotions.  My SM listened without judgment as I poured out my feelings.  I am so grateful for the unconditional love and support my SM provided.

It’s hard for me to verbalize what my SM meant to me.  I was experiencing severe grief but couldn’t focus on that as I needed to care for family members.  Because of my SM, I am much farther along and more comfortable with my grief.  Grief is such a strange thing.  Thank you so much for my SM.  She is an amazing person, she really listens and I value her input and help.

Men don’t have outlets (friends) to share/discuss – anger, fear, weakness, hurt or other deep feelings.  My Stephen Minister provided a safe outlet to share these feelings in a non-judgmental and non-threatening way.  It almost feels like being able to release an “emotional cramp” and that’s a really good thing.

My Stephen Minister truly was God’s hands lifting me up physically and mentally to keep going each day.  Just her being there to listen each week meant that I was not going through this situation alone.  She gave me hope, inspiration and the ability to persevere.  I looked forward to meeting my SM each week!  I am now a stronger woman, I feel God’s love, and I am a much better person to those I love.

As a trained Stephen Minister, I know the joy of providing confidential Christ centered care to a person who is hurting. But just recently, I found it was me that was hurting and in need of a Stephen Minister. I never imagined the impact I was having as a Stephen Minister until I became the person being cared for. The care and compassion I felt first hand truly helped me find my way the last few months. I am forever blessed by Stephen Ministry.

My life has been full of unexpected illnesses and losses.  I always thought I could “push through” on my own.  After much resistance, I agreed to having a Stephen Minister.  But I didn’t want to be a burden.  Why would anyone want to share my struggles? But I found my Stephen Minister to be so dear – she was there to listen pray, support and love me through these trials.  I could share al of my feelings with her.  Though we would meet once a week, she was just a phone call away when I needed her.  I am eternally grateful for this ministry and for my Stephen Minister.  Philippians 2:4 says – “not looking to your own interest but to the interests of the others.

Last year, my wife became seriously ill.  It was sudden and devastating to both of us.  I found myself desperate to find help that would keep me on track as I tried to cope with all the added responsibility and pressure of being the primary caregiver. I felt isolated and overwhelmed. It was through my church that I met my SM. He listened to me, encouraged me to talk even more, and never judged me.  Through my darkest days, he stood by me, was devoted to my wellbeing and brought me cheer where I saw none.  His strong Christian faith let me know that I was loved, my wife was loved, and we both were in his prayers. I am so grateful for his involvement and steadfastness that made me feel like I was not fighting this alone.  The old adage that “God’s work must surely be our own,” was never demonstrated better than by my SM.

Stephen Ministry is a response of love and obedience to Jesus’ teaching, “do unto the least of these.”  My Stephen Minister came into my life at a time I felt I had failed to make good decisions, failed as a parent, and most importantly, I felt I was failing as a Christian.  My Stephen Minister was a perfect choice, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Our weekly meeting helped heal my brokenness, return to serving others and witnessing what great things the Lord does for His children.