Women's Ministry at NRUMC

Mission: United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence, and impact local and global communities.


Vision: Turning faith, hope, and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world.


Purpose: We are a community of women whose purpose is to know God and experience freedom through Jesus Christ: to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in global ministries of the church.


We support A Place at the Table, Assistance League of the Triangle, Diaper Bank, Filling in the Gaps, The Healing Place, Hilltop Home, Methodist Home for Children Alliance Medical Ministry, Zoe, Peru Missions, UMCOR and others.


Yearly events include Spring Bake Sale, Spring Tea, June Food Drive, Salad Supper, Day of Service and Holiday Market and Silent Auction.


Salad Supper

Gather together to kickoff September in fellowship with a Salad and Dessert Potluck. 


Women have had various retreats both at NRUMC and at retreat centers.  Check the Events Page for upcoming opportunities. 

Spring Tea

A Time to celebrate and fellowship together with a program and entertainment in the spring.


Holiday Market

Holiday Crafts to help fund the missions women's ministry supports

Day of Service

Being the hands and feet through projects in a day of service at the church.

Bake Sales

Usually held with the Men's BBQs, these tasty treats provide mission funds twice per year. 


Women in Faith Circles

United Women In Faith is our United Methodist Women's organization that primarly meets around circles that meet monthly.

About the Circles

Agape – meets second Thursday of the month, 10am, room S4, August – May,

Leaders Ruby Rosbach and Lois Arnold -  Agape is a civic mined circle who enjoys hands on projects for our many missions. 

Covenant - meets 3rd Monday of the month, room Y1, September – May,

Leader Martha Biggio - Covenant is a group of senior ladies who love to fellowship and share joys and concerns.

Footprints – meets 3rd Monday, 7pm, room S3, September – May, Leaders Melinda Morrison and Pat Robinson - Footprints is a circle for all ages that commits to and supports our annual chosen missions as well as our NRUMC UWF missions. 

Koinonia – meets 3rd Thursday of the month, 10am, room S4, September – May,

Leader Karen Sherman - The word Koinonia means 'Christians in community' and we strive to support each other and the community through fellowship, church and community service as we grow in faith.

Reflections – meets 3rd Thursday of the month, room S2, September – May, Leader Ellender Mills  - Reflection circle is ladies supporting UWF and meet at the church mornings to fellowship together without having to drive at night. 

New Beginnings – meets 3rd Monday, 1:30pm, in folk’s homes, September – May, Leaders Suzanne Smith - Jean Weikel - New Beginnings Circle focuses on supporting local needs, fellowship, and many ministries.



Want to know more about our Women's Ministry?

For more information or if coming to the breakfast, contact women's leaders Rev. Jen Swindell, Gretchen Shea, and Ruby Rosbach.